Tesla xa ib daim ntawv teev cov tsheb hauv Q3; Nws puas tuaj yeem ua rau muaj kev hloov pauv rau TSLA?

Tesla delivers a record number of vehicles in Q3; Can it fuel a trend reversal for TSLA

Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) ua Tshaj li 365,000 lub tsheb hauv Q3 2022, raws li lub tsheb fais fab (EV) tsim. Tsis tas li ntawd, lub tuam txhab tau lees tias nws tau xa ntau dua 343,000 lub tsheb, qhia tias nws cov lej xa tuaj yog keeb kwm skewed mus rau qhov kawg ntawm txhua lub hlis twg.  

Ntxiv mus, raws li Bloomberg kev pom zoo, cov kws tshuaj ntsuam kwv yees tias Tesla yuav xa 357,938 thaum lawv tau xa 343,830 lub tsheb tiag tiag. Txawm hais tias tsis muaj qhov no, kev xa khoom tau nce 35% los ntawm Q2 thiab nce 42.5% xyoo-rau-xyoo (YoY).

Tsis tas li ntawd, Q3 pom cov neeg tsim khoom EV hloov mus rau hauv cheeb tsam sib xyaw ntawm lub tsheb tsim txhua lub lim tiam, nce tsheb thauj mus los. Qauv S / X khoom xa tuaj yog 18,672, thiab Qauv 3 / Y muaj 325,158 khoom xa tuaj hauv Q3. Hnub Wednesday, Lub Kaum Hli 19, 2022, Tesla yuav tsum tshaj tawm nws cov txiaj ntsig tau nyiaj tau los rau Q3 2022. 

TSLA chart and analysis

Txawm hais tias cov xov xwm xa khoom, qhov kev sib tw luv luv yog qhov tsis zoo, nrog rau lub sij hawm ntev kev sib tw tseem nyob nruab nrab. Lub hli dhau los, TSLA tau ua trading nyob rau hauv $ 262.47 txog $ 313.80 ntau yam, feem ntau thaws ib ncig ntawm 200-hnub tsiv nruab nrab. Kev tsom xam qhia txog kev txhawb nqa ntawm $265.24 thiab a cheeb tsam tsis kam txij $ 286.27 txog $ 289.96.  

TSLA 20-50-200 SMA kab chart. Qhov chaw. Finviz.com cov ntaub ntawv. Saib ntxiv stocks ntawm no.

Txawm hais tias lub sijhawm luv luv, Wall Street cov kws tshuaj ntsuam xyuas ntsuas Tesla cov khoom lag luam 'nruab nrab yuav,' nrog tus nqi nruab nrab hauv 12 lub hlis tom ntej mus txog $ 311.19, 17.32% dua tshaj li tus nqi pauv tam sim no ntawm $ 265.25. Qhov tseem ceeb, tawm ntawm 29 Wall Street tus kws tshuaj ntsuam xyuas, 18 muaj 'yuav' kev ntaus nqi, rau muaj ' tuav' kev ntaus nqi, thiab tsib muaj 'muag' kev ntaus nqi.

Phab ntsa Street tus kws tshuaj ntsuam tus nqi lub hom phiaj rau TSLA. Qhov chaw: Tswv Qhia Tawm Lus  

Interestingly, muaj zog xa xov tooj muaj keeb kwm ua tau zoo rau TSLA shares. Hauv 8 ntawm 11 lub hlis dhau los uas lub tuam txhab tuav kev kwv yees, cov khoom lag luam tau ua tiav tag nrho lub khw txij li lub sijhawm xa khoom tau tshaj tawm, thiab lub tuam txhab tshaj tawm nws cov nyiaj tau los.  

Thaum cov kev txhawj xeeb tseem nyob ib puag ncig kev nce nqi thiab nce cov paj laum, TSLA cov tswv lag luam tuaj yeem tau txais kev nplij siab hauv qhov tseeb tias lub tuam txhab tsim thiab xa cov tsheb ntawm cov ntaub ntawv ceev.   

Yuav cov khoom lag luam tam sim no nrog Kev Sib Tham Sib Tham Brokers - qhov kev nqis peev zoo tshaj plaws

Disclaimer: Cov ntsiab lus ntawm lub xaib no yuav tsum tsis txhob suav hais tias yog cov lus qhia txog kev nqis peev. Kev nqis peev yog speculative. Thaum kev nqis peev, koj cov peev nyiaj muaj kev pheej hmoo. 

Tau qhov twg los: https://finbold.com/tesla-delivers-a-record-number-of-vehicles-in-q3-can-it-fuel-a-trend-reversal-for-tsla/