Technicolor Creative Studios Spins Off as Pure-Play VFX Company

Kev cuam tshuam nyiaj txiag tam sim no hauv kev lag luam yuav tsis ua rau lub sijhawm zoo los tsim cov npe Hollywood thiab tshaj tawm lub tuam txhab pej xeem tshiab, tab sis tsis txhob hais qhov ntawd rau Technicolor Creative Studios CEO Christian Roberton. Hnub Tuesday thaum sawv ntxov, ntawm Paris 'Euronext pauv, TCS tau tshaj tawm raws li kev ua si dawb huv-kev pabcuam-kev pabcuam hauv qab ticker TCHCS.

"Yog tias muaj dab tsi, qhov no yog Technicolor rov qab mus rau nws cov hauv paus hniav, lub tuam txhab kev lom zem ua si dawb huv," Roberton hais. "Rau kuv, nws zoo kawg nkaus piav txog keeb kwm ntawm Technicolor. Peb tab tom tawm los ntawm lub sijhawm thaum qhov kev thov rau peb cov kev pabcuam yog siab txhua lub sijhawm. Tsis muaj ib qho kev thov rau hom haujlwm uas peb ua. "

Txoj haujlwm ntawd yog muab kev pom kev pom thiab cov kev pabcuam tomqab tsim tawm rau plaub qhov kev lom zem sib txawv: tsos / TV / streaming, tshaj tawm, animation, thiab gaming, tswj hwm los ntawm MPC, The Mill, Mikros Animation, thiab chav tsev Technicolor Games tshiab.

Nws yog ib txoj hauv kev ntev los ntawm lub tuam txhab thawj cov lus dab neeg, 106-laus cov hauv paus hniav raws li kev mus rau kev ua yeeb yaj kiab ua haujlwm thaum Hollywood lub hnub nyoog Golden, nrog rau qhov zoo nkauj heev uas lub hom phiaj nws tus kheej tau los ua ib qho kev qhia rau hyper-saturated, gorgeous xim pom nyob rau hauv. ntau ntawm cov yeeb yaj kiab nws tau ua.

Kev ua yeeb yaj kiab tsis yog kev lag luam loj rau leej twg hauv lub sijhawm tsim khoom digital, txawm li cas los xij. Technicolor tau yoog los ntawm kev nthuav dav rau qhov pom kev pom thiab lwm yam kev pabcuam tom qab tsim khoom rau Hollywood thiab tau txais los ntawm Fabkis-based Thomson. Raws li Technicolor SA, lub tuam txhab kuj muaj ntau haiv neeg nrog kev lom zem hauv tsev thiab DVD logistics, internet routers, thiab txuas-tsev thev naus laus zis thiab kev pabcuam.

Nrog TCS spinoff, Technicolor's non-VFX units tau renamed Vantiva, thiab tseem yuav nyob twj ywm rau Euronext raws li ib tug nyias muaj nyias Tshuag nyob rau hauv CEO Luis Martinez-Amago. Kev sib cais yuav ua rau cov tub ua lag luam xaiv qhov tseeb hauv kev txiav txim siab qhov twg yuav tso lawv cov nyiaj, Roberton tau hais.

"Los ntawm ib qho kev nqis peev, nws tsis yog ib txwm paub meej tias koj tau nqis peev hauv dab tsi: 'Kuv puas xav nqis peev hauv kev lag luam logistics lossis cov kev pabcuam muaj tswv yim?'" Roberton hais. "Qhov no yog lub sijhawm kom muaj peev txheej ua si dawb huv."

Tom qab kev tsim khoom tau ntev tau ua lag luam nyuaj, nyob ntawm qhov ntev, lub caij nyoog ntawm kev tsim khoom rau cov yeeb yaj kiab hnyav (feem ntau lub sijhawm rau kev nthuav tawm thaum lub caij ntuj sov lossis Christmas caij) lossis rau kev tshaj tawm (nyob ib ncig ntawm Super Bowl lossis Dub Friday), thaum nqis peev. hnyav nyob rau hauv cov txuj ci muaj tswv yim thiab kim, txiav-ntug (thiab feem ntau tsis siv sai sai) kho vajtse.

Cov niam-thiab-pop tom qab tsim cov tsev uas muaj neeg nyob sab hauv Hollywood, Glendale, thiab North Hollywood rov qab rau xyoo 1990s tau raug dov ntau nyob rau hauv nthwv dej ntawm kev sib koom ua ke. Hnub no, cov chaw muab kev pabcuam VFX loj tshaj plaws yog cov neeg ua haujlwm thoob ntiaj teb lossis ze-ntiaj teb, nrog cov chaw tsim khoom los ntawm Burbank mus rau central London mus rau Bangalore.

Technicolor cov haujlwm, piv txwv li, muaj qhov tseem ceeb hauv Is Nrias teb, qhov chaw lawv tuaj yeem ntiav cov txuj ci sab saum toj ntawm tus nqi tsim nyog, Roberton tau hais tias, ib feem ntawm kev tsim khoom hauv 14 lub tebchaws. Tsis ntev los no loj theatrical tej yaam num muaj xws li Tsis yog, Hmoob, thiab live-action Tsov Ntxhuav King sequel.

Lub tuam txhab tau tsom mus rau kev muag nws cov kev pabcuam rau cov neeg siv khoom los ntawm cov chaw ua haujlwm hauv Los Angeles, New York, London thiab Paris, tab sis Roberton tau hais kom cia siab tias yuav hloov pauv, pib nrog cov chaw haujlwm tshiab npaj hauv Seoul, Kaus Lim Qab Teb, thiab Shanghai, Suav. los pab txhawb kev tsim khoom loj hauv ob qho tib si East Asian lag luam.

Roberton tau hais tias "Kuv xav tias lub sijhawm Asian yog qhov loj heev uas tsis tau kov yeej los ntawm Mill," Roberton hais.

Kev lag luam booming game, tsim ntau dua $ 160 nphom thoob ntiaj teb raws li ntau qhov kev kwv yees, yog lwm thaj chaw ua kom nthuav dav ntxiv, Roberton tau hais tias, yog vim li cas lub tuam txhab nascent kuj tau pib nws chav ua si.

Kev ua haujlwm ntawm kev sib faib sib txawv yuav sib koom ua ke raws sijhawm raws li ntau lub platforms ua kom muaj zog dua thiab tsim los ntawm cov thev naus laus zis zoo sib xws. Roberton sketched lub zeem muag ntawm lub neej yav tom ntej nrog cov neeg tuaj saib mus rau ib qho yeeb yaj kiab, pom kev paub zoo, thiab ua si ib qho kev ua si, txhua tus tsim nyob ib ncig ntawm tib lub ntsiab lus sib hloov.

"Tshaj li tos lub hlis thiab hli, qhov no puas tuaj yeem yog qhov kev paub zoo heev rau cov neeg tuaj saib?" Roberton hais tias. "Qhov no yog qhov uas kuv xav tias Technicolor muaj lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv kev ua si, siv thev naus laus zis thoob plaws txhua lub platform no."

Hais tias, lub tuam txhab cia siab tias yuav khaws cov chaw tshwj xeeb cais rau qee lub sijhawm tom ntej, tsom mus rau kev pabcuam lawv cov haujlwm tshwj xeeb thiab cov neeg siv khoom, Roberton tau hais.

Roberton tau hais tias "Kuv xav tias cov npe lawv tus kheej muaj ntau lub npe lees paub," Roberton hais. "Nws yog hais txog kev sib txuas nrog peb cov neeg siv khoom hauv txoj kev uas lawv xis nyob. Nws nyob qhov twg yog txoj kab uas koj xav tau tshwj xeeb rau koj cov neeg siv khoom, thiab qhov twg yog txoj kab sib txuas?

Technicolor cov kev faib tawm kuj tseem yuav ua haujlwm rau qhov kev pom ntau-hyped ntawm Metaverse, qhov chaw sib txawv ntawm qhov lawv ua txhua yam yuav tuaj ua ke ntau txoj hauv kev, Roberton tau hais. Tab sis, raws li cov tuam txhab xws li Meta, AppleAAPL
, thiab MicrosoftMSFT
ua pov thawj, Metaverse tseem yog ntau xyoo nyob deb ntawm (virtual) kev muaj tiag.

Lub sijhawm no, lub tuam txhab yuav nrhiav ntau txoj hauv kev kom tau txais thiab sib koom ua haujlwm nrog lwm lub tuam txhab hauv kev lag luam.

Roberton tau hais tias "Cov keeb kwm ntawm lub tebchaws no yog hais txog kev hloov pauv," "Peb tau mus los ntawm lub tuam txhab photochemical hedging ntawm tus nqi ntawm cov nyiaj rau kev txhim kho kev yees duab. Peb tau hloov kho sai sai, thiab ua qhov ntawd nrog kev yuav khoom ntawm cov tuam txhab xws li The Mill. Qhov peb pom yog cov lag luam sib txawv no tuaj ua ke. Peb mam li saib seb peb yuav mus qhov twg thiab sim coj cov lag luam. Nws yog ib feem ntawm cov ntaub. ”

Technicolor Creative Studios xav tias yuav nthuav tawm nrog tus nqi ntawm 1.9539 euros ib feem, tsim kev lag luam peev ntawm qhov chaw ntawm 1.2 billion thiab 1.3 billion euros, raws li kev tshaj tawm ua ntej ntawm kev ncaj ncees los ntawm Finexsi.

Tau qhov twg los: thiab-ntau dua /