SM Entertainment tus tsim Lee Soo-txiv neej ntawm K-pop yav tom ntej, khiav lag luam

Nws tau ntau dua 3 xyoo lawm txij li Soo-txiv neej Lee tau tsim SM Entertainment, yog ib lub koom haum South Kauslim lub suab paj nruag paub txog kev coj K-pop mus rau lub ntiaj teb.

Lub tuam txhab kev lom zem, keeb kwm tsim los ua SM Studio hauv xyoo 1989, tau dhau los ua ib qho ntawm thawj zaug pib lub ntiaj teb Hallyu nthwv dej - zoo dua lub npe hu ua Korean nthwv dej.

Tab sis Lee lub suab paj nruag tsis yog ib txwm ua raws li Korean pop suab paj nruag.

"Kuv tau los ua tus hu nkauj thaum kuv muaj 19 xyoo. Txawm hais tias kuv muaj npe nrov, kuv pom tau tias cov neeg tuaj saib tau nyob ntsiag to thaum kuv hu nkauj vim kuv hu nkauj pej xeem," nws hais rau CNBC's. Chery Koob Hauv kev xam phaj rau CNBC Kev Sib Tham.

SM Entertainment's Soo-txiv neej Lee (thib plaub ntawm sab xis) koom nrog K-pop supergroup SuperM.

Gabriel Olsen | Getty Images Kev Lom Zem | Cov duab Getty

"Tab sis thaum cov pab pawg txawv teb chaws tuaj rau [South Kaus Lim] ua yeeb yam, lawv tau dhau los ntawm theem thiab cov kiv cua mus qus. Thaum kuv mus xyuas qhov kev hais kwv txhiaj, zoo li cov kiv cua tau zoo siab ntau dua li hauv kuv, "said Lee, uas yog tus thawj coj ntawm lub tuam txhab.

Lub zeem muag rau K-pop tau yug los

Lee hais tias yog thaum nws pib xav txog kev coj South Kauslim cov suab paj nruag pop rau ntiaj teb.

"Thaum kuv kawm hauv Asmeskas, kuv tau kawm ntau yam thiab xav tias nws yuav zoo los txhawb cov nkauj Korean thiab cov neeg hu nkauj txawv teb chaws. Qhov ntawd yog qhov pib [ntawm SM Entertainment]."

Tau ntau xyoo, tus neeg muaj hnub nyoog 70 xyoo tau tsim ib txoj kab ke uas nws hu ua "kev coj noj coj ua thev naus laus zis" - los ntawm qhov uas nws tau nrhiav thiab txhawb nqa cov txuj ci hauv kev tsim khoom, kev cob qhia, tsim khoom, thiab kev tswj hwm.

Lub kaw lus yog tom qab cov nkauj tsim tawm ntawm SM Entertainment's K-pop sab saum toj bands - xws li Super Junior, Girls' Generation thiab Red Velvet. 

Vim li cas Korean nthwv dej ntau dua BTS lossis Blackpink

Nws tau hais tias "Muaj ib phau ntawv sau 'kev coj noj coj ua thev naus laus zis' ntawm qhov chaw hauv kuv qhov chaw ua haujlwm," nws piav qhia tias nws muab ob qho tib si kab lis kev cai thiab thev naus laus zis hauv txoj kev "logically formulized".

“Cov phau ntawv yuav tso cai rau cov neeg ua haujlwm kawm thiab hloov 'kev paub-yuav ua li cas' tawm ntawm nws. Vim kuv yog ib tug engineer, nws yuav tsum to taub los ntawm logic. Nws nteg tawm cov qauv, "Lee hais, sib qhia tias nws muaj Master's degree hauv computer engineering.

"Yog li, Kuv tuaj yeem hais tias kuv yog tus kws tshaj lij es tsis yog tus kws kos duab."

Peb yuav tsum tau nyob rau theem ntiaj teb no, thiab peb tab tom tsom mus rau qhov uas ploj lawm thiab qhov kev sib txawv uas peb tuaj yeem ua tau ...

Sau Man Lee

Founder, SM Entertainment

Txawm hais tias SM Entertainment cov suab paj nruag txuas ntxiv mus thoob ntiaj teb, Lee hais tias nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb uas yuav tsum tau hloov tshiab thiab nyob ua ntej ntawm kev sib tw hauv kev lag luam suab paj nruag.

"Peb yuav tsum nyob rau theem ntiaj teb no, thiab peb tab tom tsom mus rau qhov uas ploj lawm thiab qhov kev sib txawv uas peb tuaj yeem ua tau" los ntawm lwm hom suab paj nruag," nws hais rau CNBC.

Lee ua haujlwm nrog cov neeg tsim khoom thiab cov kws sau nkauj los ntawm UK thiab Asmeskas ntawm kev sib txuas lus, taug qab cov nkauj, ncaws nruas thiab ntses bass thaj tsam, uas nws yoog rau Kaus Lim Qab Teb thiab Neeg Esxias kab lis kev cai.

Raws li qhov tseem ceeb ntawm Tuam Tshoj txoj kev cuam tshuam hauv kev lag luam K-pop, Lee lees tias cov nyiaj yuav muaj "kev cuam tshuam loj," tab sis hais tias nws tseem muaj kev ntseeg siab tias muaj tswv yim los ntawm kev tsim khoom yuav muaj "tus nqi tsis kawg."

SM Entertainment tau sawv cev rau K-pop cov neeg ua yeeb yam zoo li cov tub ntxhais hluas pawg Super Junior.

Chung Sung-jun | Getty Images Kev Lom Zem | Cov duab Getty

Qhov teeb meem ntawm kev puas siab puas ntsws yog ib yam dab tsi tseem ceeb rau nws lub tuam txhab, Lee hais.

"'Ua kom txo hwj chim, ua siab zoo thiab ua tus hlub' yog qhov peb qhia peb cov txuj ci thiab cov neeg hauv SM ... Tej yam zoo dua tam sim no thiab cov tuam txhab tswj hwm thoob ntiaj teb tab tom sim kawm txog nws."

Lee kuj tau hais tias nws lub tuam txhab yog "txuas lawv mus rau cov kws pab tswv yim thiab kws kho mob kom lawv tuaj yeem tau txais kev pab txhua lub sijhawm. Tej zaum peb yuav tsis muaj kev lag luam zoo ib yam li CNBC, tab sis peb tau kawm tej yam no tseem ceeb heev. "

Yav tom ntej ntawm K-pop

Raws li rau yav tom ntej ntawm K-pop, "Kuv xav tias cotaverse uas txhua leej txhua tus tham txog hnub no yog yav tom ntej, "Lee hais.

SM Entertainment tau tsim lub ntiaj teb metaverse hu ua SM Culture Universe, thiab launched nws thawj metaverse ntxhais band, Aespa xyoo 2020. Cov pab pawg no yog tsim los ntawm plaub tus tswvcuab hauv lub neej tiag tiag - Karina, Lub Caij Nplooj Ntoos Hlav, Ning Ning, thiab Giselle - thiab lawv cov sib koom ua ke virtual.

SM Kev Lom Zem tau tsim lub ntiaj teb metaverse hu ua SM Culture Universe, thiab tau pib nws thawj tus ntxhais nkauj xwb, Aespa xyoo 2020.

Alexi Rosenfeld | Getty Dhia Kev Lom Zem | Getty Dluab

"SM Entertainment tab tom tsim 'Play-2-Create'... tib neeg tuaj yeem pom lawv txoj kev muaj tswv yim thiab tsim nyob rau hauv metaverse. Lawv yuav paub tias, 'Auj, kuv tsim tau. Kuv tuaj yeem ua suab paj nruag. Kuv tuaj yeem tsim kev seev cev. Kuv tuaj yeem ua khaub ncaws. Kuv tuaj yeem ua tus kws kos duab.'

Kom paub txog lub tswv yim ntawm "Play-2-Create," lub tuam txhab koom tes nrog cov tuam txhab metaverse nyiam Lub Sandbox nyuam qhuav pib lub xyoo no.

Cov neeg ua si tuaj yeem tsim NFTs thiab kev ua si nyob ib puag ncig "K-cov ntsiab lus" hauv SMTOWN LAND, thaj av virtual hauv Sandbox hauv qab SM Entertainment. NFTs yog non-fungible tokens uas yog cov khoom muaj nqis digital tshwj xeeb, xws li cov duab kos duab thiab cov ntawv ua kis las, uas tau khaws cia siv thev naus laus zis blockchain.

Lee ntseeg tias txhua lub tebchaws tuaj yeem tsim tau ib yam dab tsi ua tiav zoo li K-pop, tab sis qhov kev hloov pauv yuav yog qhov tseem ceeb.

"Koj tsis tuaj yeem tsim ib hom ntawv los ntawm kev theej K-pop. Txhua tus yuav saib nws li K-pop. Tam sim no, koj yuav tsum tau qhia nws nyob rau hauv metaverse. "

Yog tsis saib koj tus kheej hauv daim iav, koj tsis paub tias koj yuav zoo li cas thaum seev cev, txawm tias koj seev cev nyuaj heev…

Sau Man Lee

Founder, SM Entertainment

"Kuv xav tias peb tsuas yog yuav tsum cia cov kiv cua los ua cov neeg tsim khoom thiab cov neeg siv khoom tib lub sijhawm. Cia lawv tsim… Cov tub ntxhais hluas yuav muaj kev txaus siab loj ntawm kev tsim thiab yuav xaus rau kev tsim cov cuab yeej txawj ntse thiab cov ntsiab lus loj heev. "

Rau cov uas xav ua K-pop cov kws ua yeeb yam hauv ib hnub, Lee muaj cov lus qhia no: "Kev ntsuas tus kheej yog qhov tseem ceeb heev."

"Yog tsis saib koj tus kheej hauv daim iav, koj tsis paub tias koj yuav zoo li cas thaum seev cev, txawm tias koj seev cev nyuaj heev ... Nws yog thaum koj tuaj yeem pom thiab hnov ​​​​qhov koj ua tsis tau zoo uas koj kawm."

Nco tsis tau: CEO ntawm ntau lab daus las lub tuam txhab Casetify qhia nws No. 1 'super underrated' cov lus qhia ua lag luam

Zoo li zaj dab neeg no? Sau npe yuav CNBC Ua Rau Hauv YouTube!

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