Mattel muab Barney ib qho animated makeover

Mattel tab tom relaunching nws Barney franchise nqa lub npe nrov liab doog dinosaur rov qab mus rau TV, zaj duab xis thiab YouTube cov ntsiab lus nrog rau ntau yam khoom siv nrog rau cov khoom ua si, phau ntawv thiab khaub ncaws.

Yees duab: Mattel Inc.

Millennials 'kev nyiam ntshav dinosaur rov qab mus rau TV thiab cov khoom ua si txee.

Mattel yog relaunching nws Barney franchise los ntawm ib tug series ntawm TV, zaj duab xis thiab YouTube yeeb yaj duab nrog rau ib kab ntawm cov khoom ua si, phau ntawv, khaub ncaws thiab accessories. Ib qho yeeb yaj kiab tshiab tau tsim tawm rau xyoo 2024, ua raws li cov khoom lag luam hauv 2025.

"Barney cov lus ntawm kev hlub thiab kev ua siab zoo tau ua qhov kev sim ntawm lub sijhawm," said Josh Silverman, tus thawj coj saib xyuas kev lag luam thiab tus thawj coj thoob ntiaj teb ntawm cov neeg siv khoom ntawm Mattel. "Peb yuav coj mus rau hauv qhov kev xav ntawm ntau tiam neeg uas loj hlob nrog Barney, tam sim no cov niam txiv lawv tus kheej, thiab qhia cov cim ntshav dinosaur rau cov me nyuam tiam tshiab thiab cov tsev neeg thoob ntiaj teb."

Barney tau tawm hauv huab cua txij li xyoo 2010, tom qab ze li ob xyoo caum-ntev khiav ntawm "Barney & Cov Phooj Ywg," qhov kev ua yeeb yaj kiab nrov tshaj plaws rau menyuam yaus hauv TV. Cov yeeb yaj kiab tshiab, tau tsim tawm thoob ntiaj teb xyoo tom ntej, ua rau nws thawj zaug tshwm sim hauv 14 xyoo. Mattel yav dhau los tshaj tawm cov phiaj xwm ua yeeb yaj kiab theatrical Hauv kev koom tes nrog "Tawm Tawm" lub hnub qub Daniel Kaluuya.

Barney, ntshav dinosaur, hauv scene fr. (Lub Lyons Group) PBS TV series Barney & Cov phooj ywg. (Duab los ntawm Mark Perlstein / Getty Images)

Mark Perlstein | The Chronicle Collection | Cov duab Getty

Mattel txoj kev sawv rov los ntawm lub koob npe nrov ntshav dinosaur tuaj tom qab kev rov ua tiav ntawm nws Monster High thiab Masters of the Universe franchises, ob qho tib si tau tshaj tawm cov ntsiab lus tshiab thiab cov khoom siv hauv xyoo tas los.

Tus kws tsim khoom ua si tau nkag siab tob rau hauv cov ntsiab lus tsim txij li pib nws qhov kev faib ua yeeb yaj kiab hauv xyoo 2018. Nws yog "Barbie" movie, kev tsim tawm nrog Warner Bros., yog teem rau tso tawm thaum Lub Xya Hli thiab hnub qub Margot Robbie thiab Ryan Gosling.

Lub tuam txhab tab tom nrhiav kom muaj kev koom tes zoo dua rau cov neeg siv khoom los ntawm kev ua yeeb yaj kiab thiab TV series, uas nws vam tias thaum kawg yuav ua rau muaj kev sib raug zoo nrog Mattel cov hom lag luam thiab pab txhawb kev muag khoom ua si.

Kev faib tawm muaj ntau tshaj li kaum ob qhov haujlwm ntxiv hauv kev txhim kho, suav nrog cov yeeb yaj kiab raws li Kub Log, Khawv koob 8 Pob, Major Matt Mason, Pob Zeb 'Em Sock' Em Robots thiab Uno.

Tau qhov twg los: