DeFi infrastructure ruaj khov bloXroute nce $ 70M Series B coj los ntawm SoftBank

BloXroute, lub tuam txhab crypto uas muab cov cuab yeej rau DeFi kev lag luam, tau nce $ 70 lab hauv Series B nyiaj puag ncig coj los ntawm SoftBank Vision Fund 2.

Lwm cov tub ua lag luam suav nrog Dragonfly Capital, ParaFi Capital, Lightspeed Venture Partners, GSR, Jane Street thiab Flow Traders. Qhov no yog ib qho kev sib raug zoo nyiaj txiag puag ncig thiab yuav pab BloXroute nthuav nws pab neeg thiab loj hlob nws cov lag luam, lub tuam txhab co-founder thiab CEO Uri Klarman hais rau The Block.

Lub taub hau tam sim no ntawm Chicago-based BloXroute yog 30 thiab lub tuam txhab npaj yuav ntsuas nws mus txog 100 nyob rau yav tom ntej, hais Klarman. Raws li ib feem ntawm qhov kev pom zoo, Robert Kaplan, tus thawj coj peev ntawm SoftBank Investment Advisors, tau koom nrog BloXroute board.

Founded hauv 2018, BloXroute nqi nws tus kheej li "Flash Boys rau DeFi," pab cov tub lag luam yeej kev lag luam ua ntej ntawm kev sib tw qeeb. BloXroute hais tias nws cov blockchain faib network tso cai rau cov neeg siv kom tsis txhob muaj kev sib txuas hauv network thiab tau txais cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb ntawm kev lag luam - xws li yuav thiab muag xaj - sai.

“DeFi yog phooj ywg-rau-peer. Koj yuav tsum tau txuas nrog txhua tus neeg vim tias cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb - tus nqi, txoj haujlwm, kev sib tw - tuaj yeem los ntawm txhua qhov chaw. Nov yog qhov uas BloXroute tuaj txog. Peb tshaj tawm DeFi cov ntaub ntawv yuav luag ntawm lub teeb nrawm, cia peb cov neeg siv ua lag luam zoo dua, "Klarman hais.

Tau txais koj Crypto Txhua Hnub Luv ​​luv

Xa txhua hnub, ncaj nraim rau koj lub inbox.

BloXroute yog blockchain agnostic platform thiab txhawb ntau lub network, suav nrog Ethereum, BNB Chain thiab Polygon.

Lub Series B puag ncig coj BloXroute tag nrho cov peev nyiaj rau hnub tim rau $ 95 lab, hais tias Klarman. Nws tsis kam tawm tswv yim txog lub tuam txhab tus nqi.

BloXroute cov peev nyiaj dhau los tau nce los ntawm kev pom zoo yooj yim rau kev muag khoom tom ntej (SAFT). Tab sis lub tuam txhab tau tshem tawm nws cov phiaj xwm rau kev tshaj tawm token, hais tias Klarman.

"Peb muaj lub tswv yim zoo heev rau kev ruaj ntseg token, rov qab rau hauv '17-'18 thaum muaj kev ruaj ntseg tokens tau npau taws heev. Thaum nws tau pom tseeb tias txoj cai lij choj rau kev nyab xeeb raws li token yog ib xyoo caum tam sim ntawd, peb tau txiav txim siab tsom mus rau peb cov lag luam tseem ceeb thiab tsuas yog hloov pauv tag nrho peb cov tub ua lag luam rau hauv 'ib txwm' cov tswv lag luam, "Klarman hais.

BloXroute cov nyiaj tau los raws li blockchain infrastructure startups txuas ntxiv tau txais cov ntaub ntawv venture peev nyiaj ntsuab. Txog tam sim no xyoo no, xws li kev pib ua lag luam tau sib sau ua ke ntau lab nyiaj daus las ntawm cov nyiaj, The Block tau tshaj tawm tsis ntev los no.

© 2022 The Block Crypto, Inc. Tag Nrho Cov Cai. Kab lus no tsuas yog muab ua kev qhia nkaus xwb. Nws tsis yog muab los yog npaj rau siv raws li kev cai lij choj, se, peev, nyiaj txiag, lossis lwm yam kev qhia.

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