Ontario regulator suav nrog cov tuam txhab crypto hauv kev ceeb toom kev tiv thaiv cov neeg siv khoom tshiab

Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) suav nrog ntau lub tuam txhab crypto hauv kev ceeb toom rau cov neeg siv khoom uas tau hu tawm cov tuam txhab tsis tau sau npe rau kev lag luam hauv Canadian xeev.

OSC cov lus ceeb toom cov tub ua lag luam suav nrog kev ua phem lossis ua txhaum cai. Pawg tswj hwm tswj hwm "cov npe ceeb toom" ntawm cov tuam txhab thiab cov tib neeg uas yuav ua rau cov tub ua lag luam muaj kev pheej hmoo. Hauv tsab ntawv ceeb toom hnub no, Kucoin, PhenoFX, Crestswiftrade.com thiab FX-BTC Kev Lag Luam tau teev npe raws li cov tuam txhab tsis tau sau npe hauv cheeb tsam.

Cov tuam txhab crypto uas tau ua daim ntawv teev npe yog ntawm lwm cov tuam txhab ua lag luam ua lag luam txawv teb chaws lossis lwm hom kev lag luam-tus tswv lag luam. Qee tus tab tom ntsib kev dag ntxias tawm tsam lawv.  

Thaum Lub Rau Hli, OSC txwv tsis pub Kucoin ua haujlwm hauv Ontario. Qhov kev txav no tuaj yeem yog ib feem ntawm kev cuam tshuam ntau dua ntawm kev sib pauv crypto tom qab kev txiav txim siab los ntawm Canada tus tswj hwm kev nyab xeeb hauv xyoo 2021 los kho kev saib xyuas kev sib pauv raws li kev sib pauv kev nyab xeeb txawm hais tias cov cuab tam digital yog kev nyab xeeb. OSC tau txij li ntawd mus tom qab kev sib pauv tsis tau sau npe, feem ntau tsis ntev los no nrog Bybit, uas tau cog lus ua haujlwm nrog OSC rau npe.

Nyuam qhuav pib lub hlis no KuCoin CEO Johnny Lyu tshem tawm cov lus xaiv hais tias lub tuam txhab tuaj yeem tso tseg kev rho tawm. 

© 2022 The Block Crypto, Inc. Tag Nrho Cov Cai. Kab lus no tsuas yog muab ua kev qhia nkaus xwb. Nws tsis yog muab los yog npaj rau siv raws li kev cai lij choj, se, peev, nyiaj txiag, lossis lwm yam kev qhia.

Hais txog tus sau

Aislinn Keely tau koom nrog The Block thaum lub caij ntuj sov xyoo 2019. Nws yog ib tus tswv cuab ntawm pab pawg tswj hwm txoj cai, tuav txoj cai raug cai. Ua ntej The Block, nws qiv nws lub suab rau NPR koom nrog WFUV, qhov chaw uas nws tau tshaj tawm thiab tshaj tawm xov xwm tshaj tawm ntxiv rau qee qhov haujlwm podcast. Aislinn yog ib tug txaus siab Fordham Ram thiab editor-in-chief emerita ntawm nws cov ntawv xov xwm. Thaum nws tsis sau ntawv lossis qhia, Aislinn tab tom khiav thiab nce pob zeb.

Tau qhov twg los: https://www.theblock.co/post/161003/ontario-regulator-includes-crypto-firms-in-latest-consumer-protection-alert?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss