Tus kheej tshaj tawm Bitcoin tus tsim pib cog lus thaum sib tham tom qab nug kom qhia pov thawj

Tus kheej tshaj tawm Bitcoin tus tsim pib cog lus thaum sib tham tom qab nug kom qhia pov thawj

Thaum lub sijhawm sib tham hauv TV nruj, tus tshaj tawm Hamish Macdonald ntawm Lub Hnub Sunday Project tau foom phem rau ntau zaus tom qab nug tus kws tshawb fawb hauv computer txog nws cov lus thov tias nws yog tus tsim Bitcoin (BTC). 

Raws li Macdonald tso siab rau Dr. Craig Wright, tus kheej tshaj tawm tus neeg tsim khoom ntawm Bitcoin, los nthuav qhia cov pov thawj, qhov kev xam phaj, uas yuav qhia hnub Sunday, Lub Yim Hli 7, tawg, raws li kev sib tham. daim ntawv qhia los ntawm lub Txhua hnub Xa ntawv nyob rau lub Yim Hli 5.

Hauv cov lus teb tsis zoo, Dr. Wright tau qhia Macdonald kom "nrhiav ib phau ntawv cai lij choj, thiab saib seb qhov pov thawj yog dab tsi, thiab ua ib qho kev kawm."

Nws ntxiv:

"Thiab thaum koj rov qab los, thiab koj yeej paub qhov f *** koj tab tom tham txog dab tsi, ces peb tuaj yeem sib tham. Txwv tsis pub koj tsuas yog ua aw ****r."

Kev xam phaj puv qaub

Qhov kev xam phaj qhov chaw tau muaj kev sib cav txog yuav ua li cas internet thiaj li hloov tau Silicon Valley, tab sis qhov kev tsis sib haum xeeb tau nrawm nrawm rau kev sib tham thiab ua rau nws mus rau lwm qhov. 

Ib qho kev nyuaj siab pom MacDonald teb rau cov lus qhia thawj zaug hauv kev xam phaj los ntawm kev nug:

"Vim li cas npau taws thiab pib cog lus?" uas Dr. Wright teb tias, "Kuv yog Australian, thiab yog tias koj yuav aw****r, kuv yuav hu rau koj aw****r." 

Dr. Wright yog ib tug ntawm cov neeg uas tau hais tias yuav yog lub siab qab Satoshi Nakamoto, lub npe pseudonym muab rau tus neeg los yog cov neeg uas yuav tsum tau tom qab Bitcoin qhov invention.

Txawm li cas los xij, lub zej zog crypto tsis ntseeg txog Australian tus neeg ua lag luam qhov kev lees paub tias nws yog tus neeg nyob ib leeg tom qab lub npe cuav thiab pom nws cov lus hais nrog kev ceev faj. 

Hauv kev tshaj tawm blog nws luam tawm xyoo 2016, nws tau ua qhov kev iab liam thawj zaug. Nws kuj tau muab pov thawj nyob rau hauv daim ntawv ntawm cov yuam sij cryptographic uas tau txuas nrog cov blocks zoo tib yam ntawm Bitcoin uas Nakamoto tau xa mus rau tus tsim tawm los ntawm lub npe ntawm Hal Finney hauv 2009 ua ib feem ntawm thawj zaug kev siv nyiaj.

Saib cov yees duab:

Plagiarized PhD thesis

Tsis tas li ntawd, Finbold tau tshaj tawm tias tus kheej tshaj tawm Satoshi tau ua liam ntawm plagiarizing ib feem tseem ceeb ntawm nws 2017 PhD thesis los ntawm Charles Sturt University (CSU).

Ib tus neeg tsis qhia npe blogger PaintedFrog tau tshaj tawm ib qho tsom xam ntawm Wright's doctoral thesis titled 'Lub Quantification of Information Systems Risk: Saib Ntawm Quantitative Responses to Information Security Issues', nyob rau hauv uas tus blogger ua ib sab-los-sab piv nrog cov ntsiab lus Wright purportedly plagiarized.

PaintedFrog kuj tau hais ntxiv tias, feem ntau, Wright "tsis txawm thab hloov pauv kab lus."

Lwm yam teeb meem Wright ntsib

Qhov tseem ceeb, lub tsev hais plaub London tab tom txiav txim siab txog qhov xwm txheej uas Wright liam cryptocurrency podcaster thiab blogger Peter McCormack ntawm kev hais tsis ncaj rau hais tias Wright tsis yog Satoshi thiab tsis lees paub Wright thawj daim ntawv pov thawj raws li "tsis muaj tseeb hauv yuav luag txhua yam khoom siv." 

Nruab nrab ntawm lub Peb Hlis, Looj tshaj tawm tias Wright raug yuam kom them $ 43 lab hauv kev puas tsuaj tom qab raug txiav txim los ntawm tsoomfwv lub tsev hais plaub ntawm kev nyiag khoom tsis raug cai. kev txawj ntse los ntawm kev sib koom ua lag luam nws tau tsim.

Thaum Lub Rau Hli 2021, Vitalik Buterin, tus tsim ntawm Ethereum (ETH), liam Wright ntawm kev dag los ua tus tsim tawm pseudonymous ntawm tus flagship cryptocurrency, piv nws rau yav dhau los Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm Tebchaws Meskas, Donald Trump, thiab tau tawm tsam Wright cov kws lij choj los foob nws.

Featured duab ntawm Kitco News YouTube

Tau qhov twg los: https://finbold.com/self-proclaimed-bitcoin-founder-starts-swearing-during-interview-after-asked-to-show-proof/