NASA's Orion spacecraft ya los ntawm lub hli ntawm Artemis 1 lub hom phiaj

NASA's Orion spacecraft tau ua nws txoj hauv kev ze tshaj plaws rau lub hli hnub Monday sawv ntxov thaum nruab hnub tsib ntawm Artemis 1 lub hom phiaj. Lub capsule tsis tau ya mus txog 81 mais saum lub hli, lub ag...

Yav dhau los SpaceX cov neeg ua haujlwm foob cov lus tsis txaus siab hais txog kev ua pauj kev ua pauj

SpaceX lub tsev hauv paus hauv Los Angeles, California. AaronP/Bauer-Griffin | GC duab | Getty Images Cov neeg ua haujlwm qub ntawm SpaceX tau foob tsoomfwv tsis txaus siab rau lub tuam txhab, liam Elon Musk's ...

NASA's Artemis 1 lub hom phiaj mus rau lub hli tom qab ua tiav kev tso tawm

Rau lub hli, dua! NASA tau tshaj tawm lub hom phiaj Artemis I los ntawm Florida thaum 1:47 teev sawv ntxov ET hnub Wednesday thaum sawv ntxov, nrog lub chaw haujlwm lub foob pob hluav taws muaj zog tshaj plaws uas tau ncaws tawm mus ze li ntawm ib hlis wit ...

AST SpaceMobile xa tawm BlueWalker 3 satellite kav hlau txais xov

Kev pom los ntawm onboard lub satellite, ntes tom qab xa mus rau 693-square ko taw array. AST SpaceMobile Satellite-rau-smartphone connectivity venture AST SpaceMobile tshaj tawm hnub Monday tias lub dav anten ...

SpaceX co Starbase thawj coj hauv Starship thawb

Kev pom huab cua ntawm Starship qauv tau teem rau ntawm Super Heavy Booster ntawm lub tuam txhab Starbase chaw sab nraum Brownsville, Texas. SpaceX Thaum Elon Musk khwv tau nyiaj txhua hnub los ntawm kev hloov pauv ...

Sau cov nyiaj tau los, ntxiv daim ntawv cog lus yeej

Lub foob pob hluav taws xob hluav taws xob xa tawm los ntawm lub tuam txhab New Zealand lub chaw rau lub Kaum Ib Hlis 4, 2022. Rocket Lab Rocket Lab xa tawm cov txiaj ntsig peb lub hlis twg rau hnub Wednesday uas khav theeb cov nyiaj tau los, nrog rau qhov chaw co...

Lub tuam txhab chaw tshaj tawm kev tawm haujlwm thaum lub foob pob hluav taws qeeb

Astra CEO Chris Kemp hais lus hauv lub tuam txhab lub hauv paus chaw haujlwm thaum lub tuam txhab "Spacetech Day" rau lub Tsib Hlis 12, 2022. Brady Kenniston / Astra Astra tshaj tawm hnub Tuesday nws yuav nteg ...

$ 25 lab nce, kho qhov kev xav

Virgin Orbit's modified 747 jet "Cosmic Girl" tso tawm lub tuam txhab LauncherOne foob pob hluav taws rau lub hom phiaj thaum Lub Ib Hlis 13, 2022. Virgin Orbit Virgin Orbit tau nce $ 25 lab, lub com ...

SpaceX ntxiv cov ntaub ntawv txwv rau Starlink satellite internet kev pabcuam

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk hais txog Starlink project ntawm MWC hybrid Keynote thaum hnub thib ob ntawm Mobile World Congress thaum Lub Rau Hli 29, 2021 hauv Barcelona, ​​Spain. Nurphoto | Nurphoto | Cov duab Getty E...

Rocket Lab sim Electron booster ntes nrog nyoob hoom qav taub

Lub tuam txhab chaw Rocket Lab tau hu tawm nws qhov kev sim zaum kawg ntawm kev ntes ib qho ntawm nws cov Electron boosters nrog lub nyoob hoom qav taub, raws li kev lag luam nrhiav kev rov siv tau ntawm nws cov foob pob hluav taws. Lub tuam txhab launched "Ca...

Virgin Galactic Q3 2022 cov nyiaj tau los

Virgin Galactic pilots taug kev mus rau lub tuam txhab SpaceShipTwo Unity spacecraft, txuas nrog lub dav hlau thauj dav hlau Eve. Virgin Galactic Virgin Galactic rau hnub Thursday tshaj tawm qhov dav dua peb lub hlis twg l ...

SpaceX xa tawm Falcon Heavy foob pob hluav taws ntawm Space Force lub hom phiaj

[Lub webcast tau teem sijhawm pib thaum 9:26 teev sawv ntxov ET. Thov rov ua dua nplooj ntawv yog tias koj tsis pom cov video player saum toj no.] Elon Musk's SpaceX hnub Tuesday tau teeb tsa thawj Falcon Heavy missi ...

Terran Orbital Tshuag nce tom qab Lockheed Martin nqis peev $ 100 lab

Lub tuam txhab tus chij saum New York Tshuag Txauv thaum Lub Peb Hlis 28, 2022. Terran Orbital Shares ntawm chaw tsim khoom siv dav hlau Terran Orbital tau nce hnub Monday tom qab lub tuam txhab ntxiv $ 100 lab los ntawm ib qho ...

NASA cov txiaj ntsig kev lag luam txhua xyoo yog triple nws cov peev nyiaj: Kawm

Cov neeg caij dav hlau ya mus rau SpaceX's Crew-5 lub hom phiaj rau NASA sawv ntawm lub chaw haujlwm lub logo kab cab thaum lub sijhawm suav rov qab hnav khaub ncaws thaum Lub Kaum Hli 2, 2022, ntawm Kennedy Space Center hauv Florida. Qhov chaw...

Andreessen Horowitz-rov qab Apex Space lub hom phiaj los tsim cov dav hlau loj

Co-founders Max Benassi, sab laug, thiab Ian Cinnamon Apex Space Ib khub ntawm cov neeg pib ua lag luam hnyav tau tig lawv lub ntsej muag rau qhov lawv pom tias yog lub hauv paus tseem ceeb hauv kev lag luam chaw, thiab twb tau ...

Qhov chaw sib tw los txuas satellites rau xov tooj nrog Apple, SpaceX, AT&T

Kev sib tw los muab kev kub ceev hauv internet los ntawm satellites tab tom ua tau zoo - tab sis lwm qhov, kev sib tw ntau dua, kom txuas ncaj qha los ntawm qhov chaw mus rau cov khoom siv xws li smartphones, tau pib ua ntej ...

SpaceX nthuav tawm Starlink aviation khoom rau satellite internet rau cov dav hlau ntiag tug

Ib qho ntawm lub tuam txhab lub dav hlau dav hlau tshwj xeeb Starlink antennas pom saum lub dav hlau. SpaceX SpaceX dov tawm aviation tshwj xeeb Starlink satellite internet kev pab cuam rau hnub Tuesday, nrog Elon ...

Relativity Space expansion ntawm NASA's Stennis rau foob pob hluav taws cav kuaj

Daim duab qhia chaw ntawm lub tuam txhab cov phiaj xwm nthuav dav ntawm NASA lub chaw Stennis chaw nyob hauv Mississippi. Relativity Space Relativity Space, uas 3D-prints foob pob ua ntxaij, hais rau hnub Tuesday tias nws tau kos npe rau daim ntawv cog lus rau expa ...

NASA cov neeg taug kev rov qab los rau lub ntiaj teb

[Lub webcast tau teem sijhawm pib thaum 11:15 teev sawv ntxov ET. Thov rov ua dua nplooj ntawv yog tias koj tsis pom cov yeeb yaj kiab saum toj no.] SpaceX tau teeb tsa rov qab nws cov neeg ua haujlwm plaub lub luag haujlwm los ntawm Internation ...

Amazon hloov Kuiper qauv satellites xa tawm los ntawm ABL rau ULA

Los ntawm sab laug: Artist renderings of the launches of RS1 rocket and a Vulcan rocket. ABL Chaw; United Launch Alliance Amazon tab tom sib pauv caij rau thawj tus qauv satellites rau nws qhov Project Kuiper ...

Qhov chaw tourism pioneer Dennis Tito phau ntawv ntiag tug lub hli mus ncig

Dennis Tito, feem ntau dav paub tias yog thawj qhov chaw ncig tebchaws rov qab rau nruab nrab xyoo 2001. Wikipedia Entrepreneur Dennis Tito thiab nws tus poj niam Akiko yuav lub rooj zaum ntawm kev mus txawv tebchaws nrog SpaceX's Starship r ...

NASA lub hom phiaj rau nruab nrab Lub Kaum Ib Hlis pib ntawm Artemis I lub hom phiaj lub hli

NASA lub ntiaj teb tiam tom ntej foob pob hluav taws, Lub Chaw Launch System (SLS) foob pob hluav taws nrog nws cov neeg coob Orion capsule perched nyob rau sab saum toj, raws li nws sawv ntawm lub foob pob hluav taws xob 39B hauv kev npaj rau lub hom phiaj tsis muaj neeg tuaj yeem Artemis 1 ntawm ...

York Space yeej $ 200 lab Pentagon daim ntawv cog lus rau T1DES satellites

S-CLASS platform, tsim los rau kev tshaj tawm txoj moo zoo rau ntau yam ntawm tsoomfwv thiab cov neeg siv khoom lag luam. York Space Systems Spacecraft chaw tsim tshuaj paus York Space Systems yeej Pentagon tiv tauj tsim nyog txog ...

SpaceX Crew-5 NASA lub hom phiaj xa tawm, nqa cov neeg caij nkoj mus rau ISS

Lub hom phiaj Crew-5 pib thaum Lub Kaum Hli 5, 2022. NASA TV SpaceX tau pib plaub tus neeg mus rau Chaw Chaw Chaw Thoob Ntiaj Teb los ntawm Florida hnub Wednesday, raws li Elon Musk lub tuam txhab ua kom muaj kev ruaj ntseg ntawm cr...

York Space hits $ 1 nphom tus nqi tom qab AEI peev kev cog lus

Ib qho ntawm lub tuam txhab lub dav hlau nyob hauv lub orbit. York Spacecraft chaw tsim tshuaj paus York Space Systems yog muag feem ntau ntawm cov tuam txhab mus rau private equity firm AE Industrial Partners ntawm ib tug ...

Firefly Aerospace ncav cuag lub orbit koom nrog SpaceX, Rocket Lab thiab lwm yam

Qhov pom los ntawm theem sab saud ntawm Alpha foob pob ua ntxaij tom qab ncav lub orbit thaum Lub Kaum Hli 1, 2022. Firefly Aerospace Private venture Firefly Aerospace mus txog orbit nrog nws Alpha foob pob ua ntxaij thawj zaug ntawm Sa ...

NASA, SpaceX, Jared Isaacman kawm Hubble telescope extension

Daim duab xyoo 1990 no qhia tau hais tias Hubble Space Telescope raug xa tawm los ntawm qhov chaw shuttle Discovery ntawm lub hom phiaj STS-31. Tau qhov twg los: NASA SpaceX thiab billionaire astronaut Jared Isaacman tab tom sib koom ua ke wit ...

Cathie Wood's Ark yuav Rocket Lab Tshuag, qhov chaw SPAC

Saib ntawm lub tuam txhab cov khoom tsim hauv pem teb qhia tau hais tias muaj ntau ntawm Electron boosters, nrog rau cov pa roj carbon fiber ntau lub foob pob hluav taws nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej thiab ib qho hlau-zoo li reusable booster hauv nruab nrab....

NASA lub Artemis I lub hli lub hom phiaj yuav ncua mus txog rau thaum lub Kaum Ib Hlis

NASA lub foob pob hluav taws loj heev Artemis 1 lub hli tau dov rov qab mus rau Lub Tsheb Sib Tham Lub Tsev Tawm ntawm nws lub lauchpad, tom qab ncua lub hom phiaj xav tau ntau zaum thib peb vim tias tuaj txog ntawm nag xob nag cua Ia ...

Planet npaj los tso tawm cov satellites hyperspectral hu ua Tanager

Ib tug kws kos duab piav txog Tanager satellite nyob rau hauv orbit. Planet PARIS - Ntiaj chaw tab tom ntxiv lwm hom duab satellite rau nws cov khoom lag luam, qhov tseeb nthuav dav ntawm lub tuam txhab cov ntaub ntawv-gat ...

Yuav ua li cas Jared Isaacman siv dav hlau fighter hauv kev cob qhia

Astronauts nyiam dav hlau fighter, thiab billionaire tus tsim Jared Isaacman tsis txawv. Isaacman, uas tsim lub tuam txhab them nyiaj Shift4, tau sib sib zog nqus mus rau hauv kev cob qhia nrog nws pab neeg rau thawj lub davhlau ntawm th ...

Hilton koom tes nrog Voyager Starlab los tsim astronaut suites

Lub tswv yim kos duab ntawm "Starlab" chaw nres tsheb chaw nres tsheb Nanoracks PARIS - Lub tsev so loj Hilton tau kos npe rau tsim cov chaw tsim khoom siv dav hlau rau qhov chaw nres tsheb ntiag tug Starlab tam sim no tab tom txhim kho ...